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Our expert advice for reducing a car’s CO2 emissions

Our expert advice for reducing a car’s CO2 emissions

According to a 2019 European Parliament study, personal cars are the main emitters of CO 2 in Europe 1 . In 2022, the French automobile fleet represented 45 million passenger cars and utility vehicles in circulation 2 , with a majority of thermal vehicles and a still minority share of 100% zero-emission electric vehicles (which in 2022 constituted a little more than 13% market share).


Knowing how to reduce a car’s CO 2 emissions is a real challenge , aiming to reduce the carbon footprint of your mobility and make significant savings thanks to eco-driving. Here are some tips for reducing your car’s CO 2 emissions.


Tip 1: Ride in a recent, light vehicle

Choosing the vehicle used on a daily basis is a first step in reducing your carbon footprint. The heavier a vehicle is (we can consider its mass in running order, which is the criterion used to calculate the weight penalty 3 ) and older (on average around ten years), the more fuel it consumes and emits CO. 2 . It is preferable to opt for a light vehicle, equipped with the latest technologies (stop&start, cruise control, reprocessing of NOx emissions with the SCR device combined with AdBlue for diesel engines, etc.).     


Tip 2: Choose a biofuel

It is possible to reduce your car’s CO 2 emissions by refueling with biofuel . These are alternative fuels composed of a fossil fuel base (diesel and gasoline) and a percentage of biofuel obtained from biomass.


For gasoline vehicles, we have SP95-E5 and SP95-E10 which contain between 5 and 10% bioethanol respectively, and Superethanol E85 which contains 65 to 85%. The first two biofuels are compatible with the majority of vehicles on the road, while for E85, it is necessary to have your vehicle equipped with an E85 bioethanol unit in your Speedy auto center if your model is not natively bioethanol compatible. E85. For diesel vehicles, biodiesel (diesel combined with fatty acid methyl ester) is available in versions B7, B10 and B30.  


A vehicle running on SP95-E5 and E10 emits much less CO 2 since ethanol is a renewable energy which reduces CO 2 emissions by 70% on average compared to a fossil fuel 4 . A vehicle running on Superethanol E85 reduces its emissions by 50% 5 compared to SP95. Driving with biodiesel is also advantageous, with a reduction in greenhouse gases equivalent to the percentage of biofuel incorporated in the diesel. Thus, B20 reduces its greenhouse    gas 6 emissions by 20% compared to 100% fossil diesel.


Tip 3: Prepare your trips


Planning your trips in advance can also help reduce CO 2 . Indeed, by organizing your trips in advance using online applications or your GPS, you can optimize them by selecting the shortest, least congested routes …


Preparing for your travels also involves preparing your car . You must therefore check or have your Speedy auto center check your oil levels and tire pressure free of charge, and possibly have them replaced if they are worn. You should know that deflated or unsuitable tires for the season have reduced ride quality which leads to increased fuel consumption and also reduces the handling of your vehicle.

If you want to know how to reduce a car’s CO 2 emissions effectively , take it to your nearest Speedy auto center. Your workshop manager will carry out an Eco Clean Diagnostic to detect malfunctions in your vehicle’s depollution chain. This specific service helps reduce polluting emissions, prevent overconsumption of fuel and improve the performance of your engine.  


Read also: Electric car and long journey: expert advice to prepare well

Tip 4: Adopt eco-driving

The driver’s driving style has a direct impact on the vehicle’s fuel consumption and the volume of CO2 emitted. To reduce greenhouse gas emissions, we must adopt eco-driving, that is to say:

  • Have flexible driving, based on anticipation;
  • Turn off the engine when you have stopped for more than 20 seconds;
  • Avoid sudden jerks, braking and acceleration.

It is in fact preferable to accelerate smoothly, anticipate braking and shift quickly to higher gears to prevent the engine from revving up. You can also favor the use of engine braking rather than the brake pedal and drive at moderate speed. In fact, a reduction of 10 km/h allows a reduction of 12.5% ​​in CO 2 emissions over 500 km 7 .

Eco-driving also involves limited use of air conditioning and heating . These devices consume a lot of energy and lead to excess fuel consumption of up to 25% in cities. 

Tip 5: Maintain your vehicle regularly

Regular maintenance of your vehicle is essential to ensure your safety, that of your passengers and other road users. It allows you to check the proper functioning of the various components of your vehicle and to anticipate their replacement in the event of a failure.

By going to a Speedy auto center, your car will be taken care of by professionals who prioritize your safety. Another advantage is that their intervention does not call into question the manufacturer’s warranty. You can choose the revision package adapted to your needs, including:

  • Emptying  ;
  • Replacement of oil and air filters;
  • battery diagnosis  ;
  • From 50 to 135 checkpoints depending on the maintenance package chosen.


Now that you know how to reduce a car’s CO 2 emissions , don’t hesitate to take yours to your Speedy auto center for regular monitoring .

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